Are you an expecting mom who is afraid of back pain, leaking pee, and not having control over the labor and birth that you desire?
I know that you want to have a vaginal birth with minimal tearing and decrease your risk of a c-section.
You are thinking that your labor and birth are out of your control
You have been told to "do your kegels" so that you won't leak pee, but you really don't know how or why
You've heard about pelvic floor issues postpartum, but you really don't know what they are or how to avoid them
You have a fear of back pain, which you feel is inevitable because you're pregnant
You're worried about bending over to take care of your kids and lift groceries because you don't want to hurt yourself
You're not doing exercises at home or in your favorite group classes because you're not sure what you can do now that you're pregnant
You're not sure which positions to select for labor and birth and how to incorporate them into your birth plan
You don't know how to push effectively to protect your pelvic floor
All of this worry and lack of preparation leaves you searching for hours on instagram for different pelvic floor physical therapists, prenatal exercise trainers, and childbirth educators.
But it has you exhausted because an expert is not telling you exactly what you need to do to reach your goals.

Your childbirth education classes aren't talking about your pelvic floor
You believe "just doing your kegels" is working on your pelvic floor
And you're destined for back pain
And you'll probably tear
And that whatever happens just happens during labor and birth
How would you feel if you had a strategy in place to take the fear out of pregnancy and optimize your chances for the birth you desire while protecting your pelvic floor?

Confidently take control of your labor experience
Optimize your risk for perineal tearing
Lower your risk for a c-section
Know how to prevent bladder leaks
Lift your kids and groceries without back pain
Have a safe and effective exercise routine
Know how to push effectively
Transition seamlessly into postpartum
Never have to wonder "is this normal" after the birth
This can be your reality
​I know you are already motivated to prepare for the birth that you want.
You want to be able to exercise and prevent pelvic floor leaks and pain that your friends talk about.
You are confused by all the advice from your friends and on social media.
But the truth is, you don't need to piece together a bunch of posts from Instagram to find the perfect strategy, which may not even be the right thing for you.
Instead, it's about implementing the few strategies that are evidence-based to maximize your birth outcomes.
You don't have to keep wondering if you're doing the right things - and you don't have to feel like you can't do anything to improve your birth outcomes.
There is a solution to take the fear out of labor, optimize your risk for vaginal tearing, and prevent bladder leaks and back pain while protecting your pelvic floor.
Pelvic Floor Birth Prep

Your 2 in 1 Pregnancy and Labor Prep Online Course with a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist and a Certified Nurse Midwife to reduce bladder leaks, protect your pelvic floor for birth, and recover faster using my signature pelvic floor birth prep method
In this self-paced online journey, you'll uncover the mystery of the pelvic floor while implementing actionable strategies, exercises, and techniques to improve your core and pelvic floor throughout your pregnancy so you can prevent bladder leaks and optimize your risk for tearing. You'll know exactly how to find your pelvic floor so you know what to do during labor and birth. You'll also be well prepared for pushing, which contributes to shorter labors and less medical interventions, and ultimately reduces your risk for a c-section.
"I made sure and told the nurses what I wanted based on what you recommended, and I didn't tear at my perineum!"
"I wanted to inform you of the birth of baby boy! His birth weight was 7 lbs 12 oz, and he was 20 inches long. My delivery went well. No epidural, and I did not have any tearing."
"I haven't had any bladder leaks in months since working on the exercises! I'm surprised since now I'm so much further along at 36 weeks."
Here's what you get inside
Access to 10 video training modules with demonstrations and directions so you can practice achieving your healthiest pelvic floor for birth one step at a time
Educational modules that prepare you for what to expect postpartum so you don't have to be left wondering if something is normal, despite your doctors and friends telling you "it is what it is"
You'll be guided through 3 unique Phases:
Understanding the Pelvic Floor & Foundations of Birth Prep in Early Pregnancy
Early on in the pregnancy, you're celebrating and planning how you will share your precious news with your friends and family. You really haven't started prepping for your birth yet and don't know where to start. You'll join in this phase to gain clarity over the strategies, movements, and preparation you can begin now to set yourself up for labor later on.
Module 1: Busting Pregnancy Myths
Hop into the driver's seat of your pregnancy journey by uncovering what common myths are floating around and stopping your from addressing your needs.
Module 2: Pelvic Floor Overview
Begin taking charge of your pelvic floor by understanding how it moves and what it needs to do for birth and to exercise without injury
Module 3: Foundational Movement Practices in Pregnancy
Learn the foundational exercises and strategies to keep your body strong & healthy to prevent aches, pains, and leaks
Module 4: Foundational Birth Tips
Understand how to build your birth team and dive into perineal tearing prevention
Third Trimester pre-labor prep
You'll start this phase when you are starting to feel "really pregnant". Things are getting more real, and it's starting to hit you that a baby is on the way. You'll be taking all of your foundational practices and shifting gears into addressing aches and pains, bladder and bowel issues, and using movement for optimal position for baby.
Module 5: Common Pregnancy Pains
Learn the difference between "common" and "normal" and when to take action
Module 6: Taking care of your bladder & bowels
You may find yourself peeing every time you sneeze or feeling like going to the bathroom is difficult. Address proper toileting to prevent issues like prolapse.
Module 7: Pre-labor activities
Start learning movements that help baby to engage properly in your pelvis before labor. You'll also gain an understanding of mechanics of the pelvis.
Labor & Delivery
In this final phase, you're so ready to have your baby. You'll select labor positions that fit into your birth plan and protect your pelvic floor and be well-prepared for movement and pushing strategies.
Module 8: Basics of Labor
Learn the signs and symptoms of labor and gain a basic understanding so that you know when to start your movement strategy
Module 9: Labor Positions & Pushing
Practice your positions and pushing strategies to protect your pelvic floor and ease your baby out
Module 10: Pelvic PT in Pregnancy & Postpartum
Learn why pelvic floor dysfunction is so common during pregnancy and prepare for your postpartum pelvic floor PT appointment. Learn what the ACOG recommends and how this appointment differs from a 6-week check with your OB or midwife. Leave this section knowing the resources out there if you need them.
You'll also get access to these bonuses
What to pack in your birth bag for both baby and YOU
Guides for Reference
Need a quick handout on all your favorite birth prep topics? Handouts are available for download to add extra support while practicing your birth prep.
Picking the Right Lubricant

"Dr. Melissa was and continues to be such a supportive resource following my visits after birthing my son. I'm so grateful to her and the expertise she's gained in helping me get back to feeling like myself. The coolest thing she did was help me realize how my history of back pain and disc herniations impacted my pelvic floor long before trying to conceive. Highly recommend Melissa because she not only helped me fix my postpartum issues, but I've also been living without a flare up in my back since seeing her." - Allison
Your Pelvic Floor Birth Prep journey begins today!
10 Comprehensive video training modules
Certified Nurse Midwife guest expert trainings
1 year access
BONUS 1: What to pack in your birth bag for YOU and baby
BONUS 2: Guide to selecting the right lubricant
BONUS 3: Summary handouts for quick reference to labor positions, pushing, and partner support
Access to continued support through one-on-one sessions
Instant access when you enroll

Your Pelvic Floor Birth Prep strategy to take the fear out of pregnancy and optimize your chances for the birth you desire while protecting your pelvic floor starts today!
Traditional childbirth education does not teach your how to prevent pelvic floor injuries or educate you on what is normal and what to expect postpartum for your bowel and bladders.
Those classes discuss coping techniques, comfort measures, and what to expect during labor.
This leaves you searching all over Instagram to figure out how to prepare your pelvic floor, only to leave you more confused.
In the Pelvic Floor Birth Prep course, you will learn about how to prep your pelvic floor and how it is involved in preparing for your birth. You'll see why it's so important not to leave it out so that you can prevent leaks and recover faster postpartum!
"Even though the baby ended up with shoulder dystocia, my OB was shocked I didn't tear as a first time mom and questioned what I did. I told her I took your birth prep class and implemented the techniques to prevent perineal tearing!" - Kelly
Hi! I'm Dr. Melissa Thompson, PT, DPT, MTC
I'm so excited you are trusting me with your pelvic floor journey during your pregnancy.
I am a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans.
I have been working exclusively with the pelvic floor and women's health population for several years.
I have attended multiple specialist trainings for pelvic floor and work exclusively with women's health and pelvic floor problems, including pregnancy, postpartum, pain with sex, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, and bladder, and bowel issues.
My love of addressing the body holistically and the difficulty I had finding this kind of care for my own pelvic pain is what drives me to do this work.
I want to get YOU the best care from a comprehensive, holistic, evidence-based standpoint because that's what works in my years of experience.
I know that many pregnant moms are not asking for the help that they should be and are not preparing for birth.
A lack of preparedness is shown clearly in the evidence to lead to more interventions, not understanding what decisions are being made, and not practicing in your body to be set up to take the most control of your labor and birth that you can. This ultimately leads to more leaking, more injury, and slower recovery postpartum returning to your favorite exercise and intimate life.
I opened my first private clinic in July 2020 in Houma, Louisiana and am currently practicing in Lafayette, LA

This course is right for you if...

You are currently pregnant and are motivated to take action to improve your pelvic floor health
You want to be proactive during labor and pushing to protect your pelvic floor from injury
You want to recover faster postpartum so you can safely return to exercise and sex without confusion
You know that there has to be more to the pelvic floor than "just doing kegels" for pregnancy and postpartum
"I am a first time mom who decided to do a hospital birth. I always through that pelvic floor specialists were more for people taking the 'all natural' route, but that is so not the case! Dr. Melissa and Tanya are two women that are FULL of knowledge and taught me things that I can do in the hospital as far as pain management, even things my husband can do to help me get through contractions. They also go through getting in positions to try and get baby in an optimal position for birth and the beauty of exercise balls and the infamous peanut ball! I learned how important pelvic floor health is throughout pregnancy and afterwards. These are things I wouldn't never known had I not listened to Dr. Mel!" - Brianna
Here's a recap of everything included in the Pelvic Floor Birth Prep Course
10 Comprehensive video training modules
Certified Nurse Midwife guest expert trainings
1 year access
BONUS 1: What to pack in your birth bag for YOU and baby
BONUS 2: Guide to selecting the right lubricant
BONUS 3: Summary handouts for quick reference to labor positions, pushing, and partner support
Access to continued support through one-on-one sessions
Instant access when you enroll

Answers to all of your questions about the Pelvic Floor Birth Prep Course:
Do I have to be planning an unmedicated birth to use this course?​​
This course is for any expecting mom, regardless of your birth plans! You can choose your path inside the course and find all the tips and strategies for both a completely unmedicated birth, birthing with an epidural, and a cesarean. You should prepare your pelvic floor regardless of where or how you birth, and you will learn positions and strategies for each scenario.
What if I am already later in the third trimester?
If your due date is approaching, and you are late in the 3rd trimester, you can easily jump to the third trimester pre-labor prep and the labor and pushing modules. Think of this course like Netflix. You'll be able to browse and find the topics that interest you and where you are in your pregnancy. After you review and practice the 3rd trimester modules, you will be able to go back and reference the earlier modules as questions arise.
Why is the price $99?
The value of this course is over $900, which is the average cost of complete prenatal one-on-one Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. You'll be getting access to everything you'll need to prep your pelvic floor for fraction of the cost. This one time fee grants you access for one year, which equates to $8.25 a month! That's less than 82 cents a day. If you end up needing in person Pelvic Floor PT, you will not have to invest as much the complete prenatal care and will likely need fewer visits after this course.
How do I get access to the course once I enroll?
As soon as you finish checking out on the enroll page, you'll be inside your new account in the course and instantly see all of the modules. You'll be able to keep track of your progress there and have customer support through the platform should you lose your login or password.
Do I need this course if I am already working with a doula and taking other childbirth education classes?
Yes! While there is some crossover to general childbirth education, this is a unique online course that goes into specific detail on the pelvic floor, exercises and strategies to strengthen your pelvic floor and prevent leaks, and helps you protect your pelvic floor during pushing with the latest clinical guidelines. The level of detail in this course is typically not provided in traditional childbirth education. This is a great complement to your doula and other classes!